The Peace Education Programme is a series of media-based educational workshops, created by The Prem Rawat Foundation.Created by The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), the Peace Education Programme (sometimes referred to as PEP) is a 10-part course that helps participants explore the possibility of personal peace, providing them with the tools they need to address life's challenges, such as inner strength.
Each session (approx. one hour) of the course is focused on one of 10 core themes from global peace ambassador Prem Rawat’s international talks. The themes are Peace, Appreciation, Inner Strength, Self-Awareness, Clarity, Understanding, Dignity, Choice, Hope, and Contentment. Sessions consist of video segments, times for reflection, and reading material. The course can be held over a 10-week period or arranged to suit the requirements of the hosting organisation. Ideally, the programme is presented to, or hosted by, an organisation for its clients, students, members and/or staff. The hosting organisation is usually responsible for requesting the course materials, providing space for the workshops as well as inviting and registering the participants. How the Peace Education Programme changes livesWatch a short video featuring a variety of perspectives about how the Peace Education Programme empower participants to discover their own inner resources and live more fulfilling lives.
How Peace Partners can help run a Peace Education ProgrammeIn the UK, Peace Partners can provide advice and financial assistance to those wishing to host a Peace Education Programme. Our goal is to facilitate 150% more Peace Education Progammes year-on-year until 2023.
Who benefits from participating in the Peace Education Programme?The workshops attract a wide range of participants. They include activists and professionals engaged in conflict resolution; adults and young people; those recovering from social marginalisation; and those who want to know more about the unique connection between peace within and peace without, which Peace Education workshops can highlight. Peace Partners seek to promote the benefits of the programme to UK communities, educational facilities and public services.
What Peace Education Programme participants say: “I have attended 16 sessions. When I first attended the PEP class I was very confused and as I was leaving the room that first day I was still confused. But as I walked out through the door, I suddenly felt that this is all about feeling human. What Prem has been teaching [with the PEP] is a simple thing… that this is about our life. What he is telling us is that peace is inside us, peace is in me and I will be leaving this class after 16 sessions a happy man. I say to you all, we have to let others know about this, talk to other people and let them know about this class.” “Doubt has always niggled at me, and stops me going forward. Today I feel different, I know I can find my freedom and peace. I can stop doubting and start knowing. I realise that you are the angel you are waiting for - accept your existence. It’s plain and simple and understandable now.” “The PEP has helped me really appreciate my life regardless of my circumstances.” |