Thank you! Your donation makes it possible to bring a real difference to the lives of many worldwide. Each donation is important, whatever the size, and can help make a significant difference in people's lives.You can make a one-time donation or set up your account for a recurring donation and allocate your donation to a specific project by clicking on one of the project links below:
Donate to a specific causeIf you'd like to support one of our specific causes, please select from the options below:
Every donation is important, whatever the size, and can help make a significant difference in people’s lives.Peace Partners raise funds in support of the peace and humanitarian projects managed by our partners and us. Your donation makes our work and the work of our partners possible and brings a real difference to the lives of many vulnerable communities worldwide. Peace Partners raise funds in support of the peace and humanitarian projects managed by our partners and us. Your donation makes our work and the work of our partners possible and brings a real difference to the lives of many vulnerable communities worldwide. We welcome one-time donations or recurring donations towards supporting the work of Peace Partners and our partners in the UK or one-time donations towards specific fundraising causes. Many of our one-time and recurring donors support Peace Partners as a whole and some dedicate their donation to specific projects like:
Finally, as Peace Partners are a UK registered Charity all donations made by UK tax payers, regardless of the method are Gift Aid eligible. |
Become a donorAll donations may be given on a one-time or repeat basis, and they may be directed to specific initiatives or “where the need is greatest” according to your preference, as above. If designated by a donor for a specific programme, one hundred percent of donations are allocated to that programme. How to donate: