“The Peace Education Program is an innovative series of video-based workshops that help people discover their own inner strength and personal peace.” This is a quote from The Prem Rawat Foundation's (TPRF) website page about the Programme. To read more please go to Peace Education Program - Offer the Workshops. You may email [email protected] to communicate with a support representative. Peace Partners is partnered with TPRF, so we are pleased to promote their programme and from time to time we also host the course. You may have read in our November bulletin about the Virtual Facilitated Peace Education Programme course that we successfully hosted for members of the UK public. One participant said “It’s been an odd year, and what do we value? Just be contented with who’s around me and what I do have - so many blessings …. We need to be reminded we have that choice. Sometimes the outside gets overpowering and we forget - we can’t make things disappear but I can choose how I react, I can choose to appreciate.” After a brief break for the winter holiday, the same team immediately started preparing for the next course. This is now well underway with a full quota of participants! While we’re still restricted by Covid regulations, virtual courses will continue - usually on Zoom. An important member of each team is the Zoom host, who sets up the meeting and plays the videos. Here is a personal account by a Zoom host about the virtual Peace Education Programme: "Hello, my name is Peter Cook Jones, and I would like to share with you my experience of being a team member and host. I was privileged to be asked to help form a team that would run a virtual PEP programme; I had heard that it had been done before by others, this was my first time, although I had some experience of delivering the PEP in prisons. By calling on previous PEP colleagues a team was put together, roles were discussed, then finalised by utilising the various skills that we each have. Although my IT skills were quite proficient I still had to adapt to working with others, for example, synchronising the videos and the commentary with the various presenters. This took a few practice sessions to ensure that all the right functions were activated but we worked well together and succeeded in completing the 10 sessions with very minor glitches ...
We’re looking ahead to new ways to move forward with our exciting projects into 2021, consolidating and strengthening all areas of our work. This will include forging a partnership with one UK humanitarian organisation as part of our ongoing COVID 19 response, throughout 2021 (and possibly beyond), in order to build a constructive relationship. We are incredibly proud of the projects we have delivered and working with diverse partners across the UK and our Charity Partner, The Prem Rawat Foundation. Please see below a snapshot of our upcoming plans: One: Focus on existing network of partners, supporters and associates. To ensure we maintain and develop the potential benefits of these relationships. Two: Inspire and create change through all our projects, including The Prem Rawat Foundation’s Peace Education Programme, expanding the reach of the course in the UK, offering support, networking, and raising awareness of the benefits and attributes of this unique course. Three: Expand our humanitarian aid projects, reaching out and providing help and assistance when it is needed most. Events and Fundraisers:
Ongoing activities:
Hope to see you - take part and get involved! Juli Hammersley, Chair, says “Even though Lockdown 3 is underway, we are continuing to move forward with our projects and the aims of the charity, taking on board new and innovative ways of running projects online and working in different ways. As a charity that focusses on personal peace and humanitarian work, we are passionate about making a difference to people who need support at this time. I am hugely grateful to our trusted volunteers, team, supporters, donors, partners and associates, who have all stepped up to make a difference. If you would like to know more about any aspects of our work, please do get in touch.” “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” - T.S. Eliot
Watch our video highlights and read our article for more about our achievements in 2020 A year which was unprecedented from a public health perspective, was also for Peace Partners a year of some very exciting and successful virtual activities, along with a continuation of our fundraising for the important causes we are supporting. Our thanks and gratitude to each of our volunteers, donors, and supporters, for your inspiring generosity during 2020! |