Peace Partners is privileged to be a member of the Global Peace Education Network. We all say we want peace, but what does it really take to make it happen? What can we learn that will help us live in peace? With ourselves? With each other? With our planet? The virtual Global Peace Education Day Conference is on 20th September. This year’s theme is Human Rights - Empowering Children, honouring the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Registration is free. There will be over 20+ speakers, including Prem Rawat, the founder of The Prem Rawat Foundation and the Peace Education Programme. The conference will explore the ways in which peace education helps give our children a voice and a choice.
Peace Education is very important. If young people are brought up to see antagonism and conflict as a normal part of life, it makes it so much harder to choose peace as a default option. It takes a conscious approach to foster the understanding that peace is a culture of prosperity and well-being, and that combativeness leads to suffering and hardship.
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